The Sergeant Thunderhoof is a band that has always stood out from the crowd! Their albums usually have a concept behind them—some history, a bit of mysticism, a connecting thread that holds everything together. All of this is wrapped in a highly professional musical cloak, balancing on the edge of psychedelia and raw power. They recently released The Ghost of Badon Hill, and now there’s already a live album, Avon Calling. So, I thought it was the perfect time for a short interview with them!
Your first live album is coming out in March. Why did you feel this was the right time
for a live release?
- Actually this is our second live album. ‘Live on Earth’ came out in 2016, so this felt like a good time to do another and feature only songs that have been created after the last one.
How was the recording process different compared to a studio album?
- It was incredibly simple to be honest, we literally just recorded the show and our engineer has just adjusted the levels in the mix. So there’s plenty of mistakes and things, but that’s the beauty of live music.
Is there a particular song that you feel turned out even better live than in the studio?
- I think ‘Another Plane’ really shines as a live track. It certainly shows off the musicality of the band.
Did you try to stay faithful to the original sound, or did you make any significant
changes to the songs for the live setting?
- Live should never be the same as the studio. We don’t go out of our way to make significant changes, but neither do we fuss too much about any changes.
For someone who has never seen you live, what can they expect from this album?
- Just good rock energy and a fantastic crowd.
The Ghost of Badon Hill has a monumental and atmospheric feel. What was the
concept behind it?
- I was inspired by our local history and folklore, specifically the invasion of England by the Anglo Saxons in the 5th and 6th century. We definitely tried to capture the atmosphere of that time and place.
The title and theme seem to have historical or medieval influences. Were legends or
real events an inspiration for the album?
- Both. The legend of King Arthur is closely tied to the battle of Badon Hill. So the entire album is an enigma, wrapped in a myth and sprinkled with reality.
How does this album differ from your previous releases in terms of songwriting and
- It’s more concise, more thoughtful. Perhaps it’s less psychedelic and lysergic. It’s a very focussed album, for better or worse.
Do you have a favorite track from the album? If so, why?
- Personally, I really like The Orb of Octavia. I think the whole band shine on this.
The album cover is visually striking. Who created it, and what was the concept behind
- That’s our wonderful artist Sara-Jane Swettenham who has done all of album covers over the years. We always give her artistic freedom to express herself.
Thank you for the interview. AMEN!