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Mammoth Salmon

Még jó múltkor emlitettem, hogy annyi infót kaptunk a Mammoth Salmontól, mint Redneckben az őszinte szeretet. Erre fel küldtek egy kis biográfiát.

"Mammoth Salmon is a stoner doom metal band from Portland, Oregon. The band started in the summer of 2012 and began playing live in the fall. A 3 song internet Ep was released on the vernal equinox and another EP was released on the Summer Solstice. A west coast tour was recently completed to support the release of the debut album.

Mammoth Salmon has been featured on blogs and podcasts from around the world including: Sludgelord (UK), Sorrow Eternal (NY), Paranoid Hitsophrenic (Vancouver, Canada), Metal Horizons (Ontario, Canada), Heavy Planet (PA), Temple of Perdition (France), the foggy bog of doom Podcast, Grip of Delusion Radio Compilation (NJ), NW metal zone (WA), the soda shop (Chicago, IL), doom and stoner community (spain), archiv hate (Latvia), welcome to the void (Greece), As well as on two youtube channels from Greece: 666 Mrdoom & doom Lord.

Check us out at:

Members: Paul Dudziak-guitar, vocals, bass ; Mitch Meidinger-drums"

Vastag hangzás, üvöltözés, 2db. EP (Internet EP1, Internet EP2), ugyanazzal a boritóképpel, csak a szine más. Igazán nagyszerű.


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