Új hullám Svédországból!
Illetve ezt a hullámot a zene lüktetése adja, először leginkább a Fat Fuck trekknél, ami a negyedik helyet foglalja el az albumon. A Grand Selmer érti a dolgát, ez hamar kiderül.
Dallamos, hangulatosan összerakott témák, egyedien összegyúrva tökéletes hibridként működve a 70-es (Black Sabbath, Cream, ZZ Top) és 90-es (Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu) évek rock világából meritve.
Az új album ötlete 2009 decemberében egy berlini apartmanban tört elő a srácok fejéből, és miután végigcsinálták a turnéjukat Németországban, visszatértek a gyökereikhez Gothenburgba, Svédországba. Korábban három EP-jük jelent meg, elérkezett tehát az idő az első nagylemezük elkészitéséhez, ami a 'Tough Day of Relief' cimet kapta.
A zenéért a következők tehetők felelőssé:
Jonatan Dencker – Vocals, Guitar
Pontus Robertson – Vocals, Drums
Hannes Waernelius – Bass, Vocals
Fredrik Wessberg – Guitar, Vocals
foto: Kari Jantzen
Guest Artists:
Per Ståhlberg (DOLL), Tony Jelencovich (Transport Leauge, M.A.N, Icon in Me), Birger Löfman (Destiny, Fretless, Magnus Rosén) and Kalle Lilja (Långfinger).
Them motherfuckers they want your blood?
That was the question the band Grand Selmer asked when they woke up one early morning in December 2009 in a shitty apartment in Berlin. After a while they came to the conclusion it was not a question but a statement and decided to record an album instead…
After half a year with Currywurst, Weiβbier and touring throughout Germany they went back to their roots in Gothenburg, Sweden. They started to perfect the ideas and influences they collected in the past year to record the album “Though Day of Relief”.
With three EP-records released, produced by Per Ståhlberg (Division of Laura Lee) and artist Kristian Anttila it was time for an full length album.
With producer Kalle Lilja (Långfinger) Grand Selmer recorded “Tough Day of Relief” the eleven track trip signed:
Jonatan Dencker – Vocals, Guitar
Pontus Robertson – Vocals, Drums
Hannes Waernelius – Bass, Vocals
Fredrik Wessberg – Guitar, Vocals
Guest Artists:
Per Ståhlberg (DOLL), Tony Jelencovich (Transport Leauge, M.A.N, Icon in Me), Birger Löfman (Destiny, Fretless, Magnus Rosén) and Kalle Lilja (Långfinger).
With one foot in pounding riff groove and the other foot in psychedelic rock, Grand Selmer is a band that will blow you mind and give you chills up your spine. The perfect hybrid between 70s (Black Sabbath, Cream, ZZ Top) and 90s rock (Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Fu Manchu)